Registered envelopes

Pre-stamped stationery of any reign, either issued by the Post Office or stamped to order.
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Registered envelopes

Post by earsathome »

Hello everyone,
I have a small collection of G.B. registered envelopes (mint) and have a query on the 1878/79 and 1882 issues.
The only listing I can find of these shows that all the embossed stamps are printed in blue ink.
However, the examples I have are definitely in green ink.
GBPS have publicised the ‘Collect British Postal Stationery’ catalogue which seems very good but it is expensive if I only need to check those two items.
If anyone knows the answer to this, or if they have a copy of the catalogue that they would be willing to check for me I would be most obliged.
Should anyone be interested in these issues, the collection, including the two examples
mentioned can be seen on our website at

Thanks in advance.
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Post by asmodeus »

No green stamp in the book- all are in blue. Go to the website and write an email to Colin Baker.
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Post by earsathome »

Many thanks for that prompt response asmodeus.
The plot thickens and I will e-mail Colin as you suggest.
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Post by mozzerb »

The CBPS book is a 'Postal Stationery Simplified' -- so it doesn't go into too much detail. The original 1970 book does indeed list RP6 (1878-9) as '2d blue (shades)' and RP13 (1883-5) as '2d blue (greenish blue-blue-ultramarine-slate)'. You do see that (very) greenish blue shade quite regularly on these -- McCorquodale's colour control doesn't seem to have been of the greatest!
Maurice Buxton
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Post by earsathome »

Thanks for that mozzerb.
Very interesting, and of course peoples eyes are different but I could see no blue at all on the green one.
I wonder if it is one of those examples of an item being left out in the light and fading?
It does not seem that way however and the envelope itself does not give any indication of that.
Appreciate your input.
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Post by mozzerb »

To be honest, I've always thought it looked more green than blue too -- but the colour seems to be quite consistent across examples so I don't think it's a colour changeling.
Maurice Buxton
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Post by earsathome »

I had a reply e-mail from Colin and for anyone interested this was what he told me
"With regard to your QV registration envelope, the colour of these envelopes
does vary from blue to a greeny blue. This issue was subject to a variety
of shades owing to the huge number that were printed. Alternatively it
could be a colour changing due to the manner that it has been stored during
its life. It is difficult to know without seeing the actual item, or a
colour copy of it. At our next meeting I will see if anyone else has
anything similar. Having looked through my collection I can tell you that I
have many shades of blue/bluey green, but none that are a true green. Sorry
I cannot help you any further with this envelope at the moment."

He will advise me if anything else turns up.
Thanks to everyone for your help
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