Doctor blade or guide line on booklet pane

Material relating to the philately of the reign of Edward VIII.
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Doctor blade or guide line on booklet pane

Post by earsathome »


Hello all,
Whilst checking through our booklets, listing the advert panes, I came across this red line on the selvedge of one of the panes.

It looks like the guide/cut line on the Machin panes but I do not think that KEVIII had those did they?
I do not have it on any other pane, though I do have a doctor blade through the stamps on another.

I suspect it is a Doctor Blade variety - can anyone confirm that for me?
Knowing how small the world is these days, perhaps a list member may even be holding the pane above this one (odds?)
Regards to all
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Transfer from previous board: original post 1730

Post by Harvey »

Dr Blade flaw without a doubt. The best way to tell is if the line is slightly diagonal, it's a Dr blade flaw. That is because the thin steel blade is set on the full horizontal, but the cylinder is moving so fast that it gives the impression that there is a slight lateral movement.
Posts: 220
Joined: Sat Sep 19, 2009 6:00 pm

Transfer from previous board: original post 1731

Post by earsathome »

Thanks for that - I thought that would be the case but appreciate the other bit of information re the cylinder etc.

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