Booklet cylinder numbers

Material relating to the philately of the reign of Edward VIII.
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Booklet cylinder numbers

Post by earsathome »


Booklet cylinder numbers

Hi all,

I have just been checking through our booklet panes and came across these two cylinder panes.

Following threads and e-mails over the last couple of months has shown me just how ignorant I am about basic printing processes.

I should imagine a guided tour of Harrisons or similar firm would set things right in my head,
but that aint going to happen. Being security printers it is also unlikely that they would issue a nice user friendly 'how to' dvd.

Regarding the cylinder numbers on booklet sheets, are they replaceable like the dates on modern handstamps?

In these examples the 3 on the left looks to have a straight line at the top right and on the F the serifs are different .

Can anyone fill me in on details of these please.

Regards to all

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Post by Harvey »

"Regarding the cylinder numbers on booklet sheets, are they replaceable like the dates on modern handstamps?" The answer being, of course, NO!! What you have seen on these two examples are merely vagaries of the photogravure printing process - which was never pretended to be a perfect process! Little differences are to be expected on most photogravure stamps/panes/cylinder numbers.
Hope this helps, Ron....?
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Post by robinT »

Visit Harrisons??? Difficultsince they do not now exist!
However when they were visits did take place and much information was obtained.

Booklet sheets were invariably from a specially produced cylinder and many still are.

Each cylinder for stamp printing has its own unique number - occasionally altered if the cylinder is re-engraved/retouched for any reason

To avoid having stamp panes inverted in books and to maximise the usage of paper - many booklet cylinders had/have upright and inverted columns of panes.

This applies to photo. stamps

Modern litho booklet printings are completely different.

There are many books and catalogues which go into greater detail if you want to learn about stamp production.

However I have found that modern stamp production is corrupt and venial. You can learn a lot about our Political system and its corruption, resaerching stamp production

I hope this helps
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Transfer from previous board: original post 1747

Post by earsathome »

Hi all,

Thanks Harvey and Robin for your responses - much appreciated.

It sounds as if the cylinder numbers on sheets would be the same and would explain some little differences on the '2' on some that I have?

Did you visit Harrisons yourself - it must have been very interesting if you had.

Thanks for the explanation regarding the cylinders/numbers.

As I mentioned I am clueless regarding printing as a whole and the catalogues and assorted philatelic publications we have do not explain it simply enough for me (Duh!)

I will have to try to get my head around it -
perhaps I should reset my mind and re-boot my brain, unloading 70 odd years of (now) unwanted data to make room for updates!

Again thanks for all the help
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Transfer from previous board: original post 1748

Post by robinT »

No but learnt from those who did.

Why bother to learn the nitty gritty? Unless you specialise to the last degree.

But uncoated paper was the problem with printing - wear on cyls. - ink spreading before drying etc.

Best explanation I have seen is in Degams Machin Cat. but if you want an explanation contact me direct.

Photo. is not simple and the more colours added the worse it gets. Became costly to produce cyls. thus Litho was used because it was much cheaper.

But the production of stamps is not as complex as the history leading up to the production. You would not believe how much money was involved - maily because of the collection of mint stamps. Polititians, stamp printers, agents and dealers all wanted their share, even collectors joined the rackets. All paid by the stupid majority of collectors who wanted mint unhinged stamps, with a levy for services not used.

By the way your brain can take all the information you give it - us oldies merely have trouble recalling it when wanted!
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Transfer from previous board: original post 1807

Post by earsathome »

Hi Robin,

Thanks for the reply - I missed it first time around. For some reason, sometimes I get notification of messages being posted and sometimes not and I had not checked that thread again until a couple of days ago.

We both (Eunice and I) specialise to a minor degree or at least to our perception of specialisation.
That is, rather than just a straight collection of one of each we collect the 'branches' - booklets, coil leaders, varieties and so on but not to the n'th degree you mention.

I will check the Degam cat for that uncoated paper. Jean Alexander set my mind at rest that I do not have it on the Cook book!

I suppose it was always thus, with people jumping on the gravy train, but I finally gave up the ghost with G.B. commemoratives in the 1980's, booklets about 2000 and the last straw with Prestige booklets in 2006. We can now concentrate on what we have on hand.

Australia Post is even worse with their record of stamp booklet issues, ten prestige booklets released at the same time!
I was sent those on a standing order without even being consulted if I was prepared to pay for that many in one hit and they were sent back pretty sharpish. I got my money back with the explanatory note - "Customer
changed his mind!"
Standing order cancelled!

I have one of those brains that knows when to give up and switches off when it gets too much!
Thanks for your help
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