Advertising interleaves in booklets

Material relating to the philately of the reign of George VI.
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Advertising interleaves in booklets

Post by earsathome »


Hello All,

We have a KGVI booklet SG BD12 2/- Edition 504 in which the 4th and 5th interleaf panes have an advertisement on the front but the back is blank.
The 4th interleaf has the 'Moorland' advert. on the front and is blank on the back and the 5th shows the Post Office Savings Bank advert on the front and blank back.
Is this usual or was it on just this edition number. Would it have been that the Post Office did not have enough advertisers?
If this is the case I would have thought they would insert their own such as Postage Rates or similar.

All help greatly appreciated.

Ron and Eunice.
Paul Ramsay
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:00 pm

Transfer from previous board: original post 31221

Post by Paul Ramsay »

Editions 504-508 have the Postage Rates omitted (back of 4th and 5th interleaves are blank).

These were the last editions of Series 4 2/- booklets which were replaced by 2/6 booklets when the letter rate increased from 1½d to 2½d in May 1940.

Seems likely the rates were omitted in anticipation of the increase.
Posts: 220
Joined: Sat Sep 19, 2009 6:00 pm

Transfer from previous board: original post 31225

Post by earsathome »

Hi Paul,
Great stuff. Many thanks for that information, very much appreciated.

We are currently in tropical north Queensland soaking up the sun, supposedly, but there is a wind from the arctic.
I have sent your reply to ourselves to make sure it gets noted with the booklet when we get back home.
Ron and Eunice
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