Crown dependencies

Anything relating to British stamp books and booklets.
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Crown dependencies

Post by robinT »

Collection of modern stamps is apparently beyond most Members - still each to his/her own.

The specialised societies which sprang up to study issues of both stamps and booklets are either moribund or changed beyond redemption

I was/am? a Machin student, even wrote about them (see the library) - was also a member of the two specialised societies and even Mervyn's money spinner. Helped wth that catalogue too.

Was until recently a member of MBPS (who stated they were to study modern british stamps - but do not do anything other than issue details of new UK stamps etc.etc....)

Joined the CISS because my studies of both papers/gum and booklets led me there. but talk about stamps and a cold chill descends - not least because their members have taken refuge in the study of GB stamps used in and postcards

My money problems and my failing eyesight mean that study is getting out of the question and authority everywhere wants to continue hiding their flaws

If any one takes an interest in the stamps and booklets, esp. Guernsey I can offer much material, and for those who are as broke as me, I will help with any knowledge I have gained.

It is hoped that a proper collection and study of these interesting BRITISH stamps is eventually started by someone
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Transfer from previous board: original post 2120

Post by robinT »

No reply at all!!!!!

These BRITISH stamps are interesting and in particular show more flaws than anything else produced by Harrison.

As no one else appears interested in study - someone may be interested in the results of my study.

Guernsey 2/- booklets have been studied and revised. All booklets - stamps and covers - show flaws, now listed. Flaws can be seen to extend to complete life span of design, complete with multi positive flaws, also on sheet stamps

Samples are available of many covers and stamps - lists have been produced for all Guernsey booklets - showing extent of flaws.

Check lists of Guernsey and Jersey booklets - to 2000 are available, with specialised write ups
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Transfer from previous board: original post 2121

Post by earsathome »

Hi Robin,
That sounds like a heap of research from a dedicated collector. It is good that you are keeping us up to date with your work and it is just a pity that I do not collect that area as I am sure the information would be fantastic.

I hope you get some response from this posting.

Keep up the good work.
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Transfer from previous board: original post 2124

Post by Robinr »

Hi RobinT,

There, Dear Old Ron responded! But did you really expect replies? If you look at all the subjects that have just the initial posting, with no replies you'll be shocked, but to actually start analyzing each subject and the correspondence it had hoped to stimulate you can only come to the conclusion that the 800 or so members who are listed for the discussion board simply never read any posting and have no interest in any kind of information exchange. That's not to describe all members, since the Newsletter is evidence that there is life out there. Maybe the likes of you and Ron and Harvey and the few others that do respond should form another group - the "We Read and Respond Group"? I'll join you.

I have been almost totally focussed on the stamps of KE8 for the last few years. I have a small but good collection of covers, and keep an eye open for interesting aspects of postal history involving the use of the stamps. I have been intrigued by the lack of anything referring to the Channel Islands, or the Crown Dependencies in this respect. I concluded that most collectors simply regarded CI as just another postal district(s) and were of no special interest. But overseas material? How about Tristan Da Cunha? This, along with the other Ascension post offices was as GB postally as the CI, or, say, Colchester. Yet there appears to be zero interest - at least as far as KE8 is concerned.

So, I'm asking you for at least a comment, hopefully some leads or advice.

With best wishes, the other Robin
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Transfer from previous board: original post 2138

Post by robinT »

I made several attempts at replyingbut the site is as bad as ever
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Transfer from previous board: original post 2139

Post by robinT »

No nterest because of high cost, speculation and peculation

Crown Agents were/are as crooked as a corkscew
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Transfer from previous board: original post 2140

Post by robinT »

EVIII had only four stamps printed.

Crown Agents never had time to get round to him before GVI arrived!!!!
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