Booklet Wrappers

Anything relating to British stamp books and booklets.
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Paul Ramsay
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:00 pm

Booklet Wrappers

Post by Paul Ramsay »


Some bundles of booklets have a wrapper that states:
"remove band and place in machine this side up"
but the bundles I have are some front cover up, some down,
some threads to left, some to right, and many are mixed.
Probably the booklets have been removed from the wrapper
for examination over the years, and replaced differently.
Does any one know the original orientation?
When you put your 2/- in the slot, which way did the
booklet come out?
Posts: 220
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Post by earsathome »

Normally the wrappers came the way that you have illustrated but the booklets have obviously been removed from the wrapper.

The booklets came with five threads to the left and five to right, presumably to balance the contents.

The booklets were dispensed thread first.

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Post by robinT »

A little serious thought about these matters is usually what is needed

Of course the stitched side would go to the outlet first - it would reduce the likelyhood of a jam, caused by the booklet opening in the machine - in spite of the weight on top of the pile!
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