Fancy 3 in Bishop Mark, Jedburg to Edinburgh

Covers and postal matters before 1840.
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Fancy 3 in Bishop Mark, Jedburg to Edinburgh

Post by earsathome »


Hi all,

The attached image is of a Scottish Bishop Mark on an entire letter Bridgend
to Edinburgh dated 12 Septmbr 1799.
We cannot find this particular 3 illustrated in any of our reference books.
Does anyone know if this is unusual or is it normal for those marks in that period.
For anyone interested, this letter, along with about 130 other old letters is illustrated and transcribed on our website at ... ersov.html

The letters are listed in date order.
Eunice and Ron.
Posts: 14
Joined: Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:00 pm

Transfer from previous board: original post 2064

Post by Theo »

Dear Eunice and Ron,

in "The Postage Markings of Scotland to 1840" by Bruce Auckland you can find an illustration of a fancy 3 in a Bishop Mark which should resemble your illustration. Please see the attached scans.

Best wishes

Posts: 220
Joined: Sat Sep 19, 2009 6:00 pm

Transfer from previous board: original post 2065

Post by earsathome »

Dear Theo,
Many thanks for that.
We do not have the book you mention so appreciate your scans.

We bought a copy of 'Three Centuries of Scottish Posts' by Haldane and thought it would answer a lot of our queries on Scottish mails but did not find it a lot of help unfortunately.

It is good to have this GBPS board as a resource for this kind of thing.


Eunice and Ron.
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