Glasgow Pennypost query.

Covers and postal matters before 1840.
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Glasgow Pennypost query.

Post by earsathome »

Hello all,

We have a part letter dated 3rd February 1834.
The markings are manuscript 8d, GLASGOW PENNYPOST, Additional Halfpenny mark of Glasgow H&S Figure 67 and Edinburgh arrival stamp Feb 4th.
Scan attached.

Also at the top is a boxed 12 Scan attached.

Wilcocks states:-

Manuscript 1d marks were usual, and, when issued, the two lines of capitals, office name and “Penny Post”, Fig. 596, was the normal hand stamp to be used, first at the Post Town only and later in the period, at the village offices also. Some village stamps were used as name stamps after 1840.
Of the unusual types of hand stamps most were in the Glasgow district. Some Post Towns used boxed numbers to indicate the village of origin.


Alongside the boxed 12 is written Craig Barrat or barrach(?) which we assume is a person’s name rather than a village. There is nothing like that listed under the Glasgow Penny Post Offices in Robertson. The letter is signed by A.G. Stirling.

Although we have a good library of philatelic books we can find no reference to which villages were issued with these numbers.
Does anyone know of any reference which will tell us which village used 12?

Any help appreciated.
Ron and Eunice.

The half of the letter that we have is so entertaining we feel it is worth sharing.
So here it is........ (If moderator feels it is not appropriate, please remove, thanks)
This part letter 3rd October 1834 addressed to John Mod? Esq W.S. Great Stewart Street Edinburgh Details of postmarks are in the folder ahcol gwF67… There is a filing note

Craigbarrat or Craigbarrach order £7 to be paid to Messrs evons & Lauder ??

(Note: there is a Craigdarrach in Ayrshire, but this is a long way away from Glasgow)

This is the second page

…upon Saturday last are poor lean droukit meagre looking birds.

Old Bell the Poultry woman has just now come to me complaining that she must have some other kind of meat for her Muskies, for they’r no weel. What is the matter with them?

Indeed sir, the cause of it is the uncommon wet weather and as a lady may say they’r aye at the water closet .

What think you of the modesty of our Bell?

There are no news hereabouts with the exception of a Proclamation from the Sheriff of Stirlingshire about a Combination of the Calico Printers against their Masters. The Sheriff has just (so I hear) arrived with his Posse of Constables at Lennoxtown, so that it is possible there may be some row, but I do not believe it. But be that as it may, I go upon the principle “let a be, for let a be”.

I am in my stomach state of health – Mrs Stirling is as usual complaining more. She unites with me in kind wishes to one and all.

I am ever yours truly.

A.G. Stirling.
Posts: 220
Joined: Sat Sep 19, 2009 6:00 pm

Re: Glasgow Pennypost query.

Post by earsathome »

Hello again all,

Thought I would advise re the above and a reply received from Terry Woods
of the Scottish Postal History Society and Caledonian Philatelic Society, as follows _


The boxed “12” was allocated to Lennoxtown in 1833 to 1835.

The Glasgow Penny Post by William P “Bill” Cochrane published in 2012 by the Scottish Postal History Society is the most recent offering regarding Glasgow Postal History. Bill has combined his own research in the Post Office Archives with known information from the collections of members of the SPHS and articles he has written over the years. He has chapters on all the sub offices and in the final chapter he gives a summary of the use of the receiving house numbers from 1829 to 1845. The book is available from the Scottish Postal History Society and has the following ISBN:978-1-908139-03-0.

I hope this is of help

Terry Woods

Webmaster - The Scottish Postal History Society

Webmaster – The Caledonian Philatelic Society

I have attached the links above for anyone interested in the Postal History of Scotland.

As a matter of interest this is his comment about one of the words mentioned in the letter that we were not sure of - "Droukit" -
“Droukit” is a wonderful word. I don’t know if you have seen the film Braveheart with Mel Gibson where he make a reference to Scottish rain?
Well droukit is what happens to you if you have been out in that rain, you’re soaked through and absolutely ringing wet , totally Droukit!

Ron and Eunice.
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