Suggestions requested on delivery of a letter with military connections 1831

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Suggestions requested on delivery of a letter with military connections 1831

Post by earsathome »

This letter in our collection is dated 12th May 1831 from 26 Portland Square Plymouth, addressed to
Lieut Col D MacPherson,
Late 78th Foot
Bder General etc–

(this last line has been crossed out, but not re-directed).

It has two circular date stamps, the first for where it was lodged, Plymouth MA 12 1831 and the second when it was received in London, a morning duty stamp in red ink 14 MA 1831.

The charge mark of 11 has also been crossed out and not replaced. Sealed with a red sealing wax blob,

So the questions are:

1) as the address has been crossed out and no re-direction put on the letter, how and where did it get delivered?

2) as the charge mark of 11 ( the cost of the single letter Plymouth to London ) has been crossed out, why has it not received an amended charge?
Did it in fact achieve FREE delivery?

3) Could it be something to do with the fact that the addressee is an Army Officer?

4) Would it simply have been handed to someone who knew the addressee and would take it to him?

Any help/suggestions welcomed.
Eunice and Ron
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Re: Suggestions requested on delivery of a letter with military connections 1831

Post by mozzerb »

The only thing I can think of is that it was delivered normally at a charge of 11d to the company in the address, and someone there crossed out that line and the charge,

That could have been because they delivered it to the officer concerned, or because he called to collect it, and did not charge him (or the charge was on account)?
Maurice Buxton
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Re: Suggestions requested on delivery of a letter with military connections 1831

Post by earsathome »

Hi Mozzerb

Thanks for the suggestion which makes sense.
We could not work out why the address was crossed out as well as the charge.

Presumably officers had accounts running with the regiment and as you suggest the 11d could have been debited to him.

Ron and Eunice.
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