frame break on £1 stamp?

Material relating to the philately of the reign of Edward VII.
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frame break on £1 stamp?

Post by jimusedcontrols »

just saw this in a local auction and cannot find any reference to it. Is it a recognized flaw or irrelevant?
£1framebreak-detail.jpg (34.14 KiB) Viewed 24424 times
complete stamp
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Re: frame break on £1 stamp?

Post by Canuck »

Considering all the irregularities of these stamps, much like Canada's engraved issues, esp. the Admiral's, I'd say that is irrelevant. Although... there are some people who fly-speck stamps to death and would gladly add that to their collection. I'm afraid I am not one of them! Just give me one example (or two (mint/used) and I'll be happy!

Pete (aka Canuck)
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