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Is anybody out there collecting / studying airgraphs?
Mike Jackson
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Re: Airgraphs

Post by Mike Jackson »

Hi Mike, I have a few, mainly to complement my collection of meter franking (some airgraph envelopes were postmarked using converted franking machines - see attached PDF).
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Re: Airgraphs

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Well that was a very interesting post and I took several points from it, so thank you for that. Your page 3 is BRILLIANT!

However, it was not the kind of response I was hoping for, so I am just going to post my specific query and see what happens.

I have just acquired two Christmas 1944 forms, which I believe are based upon a CMF original. One of them contains a feature which I have never seen anywhere else. All forms started off with a space requiring the "Sender's name". This later evolved to "Sender's name & address". On this form, for the first time that I have seen anywhere, the text has been redacted and substituted underneath with "Sender's name ONLY".

I can find no reference to this in Stephen's or Keeton, so my query is, has anybody else ever seen this and why might it have happened?
02 443700 form.jpg
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Re: Airgraphs

Post by Richudson »

Hi Mike,
I recently joined GBPS, hence the date of my reply, I have about 125 Airgraphs sent between members of my Family in the UK and others in Kenya,(dating from 14/9/1942 to 04/09/1944) I keep them as a source of Family History, but willing to share them if required, there are a couple of ''Special' ones bearing Christmas Greetings 1943. Sadly, I do not have any of their envelopes.
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Re: Airgraphs

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Hi, and thanks for your response. You highlight a problem with collecting airgraphs - to so many people they mean a great deal for personal reasons, which prevents many of them coming to market
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