Annual General Meeting 2020

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Annual General Meeting 2020

Post by admin »

As a member of the Society, you are entitled to vote in person by attending the Annual General Meeting. The Rules of the Society do not provide for proxy voting but in the exceptional circumstances of the Covid-19 virus preventing a meeting of members at the Royal Philatelic Society London on 20th June, your Council has decided that the meeting should be held on the date advertised to conduct the formal business of the meeting by a remote connection between the President and the Honorary Secretary using
voting with the Proxy Forms. These have been sent out to all members with the May/June Newsletter and GB Journal.

The Honorary Secretary will report the result of proxy voting to the President and the results of voting will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. In the normal course, the minutes will be published in the Newsletter anticipated to be circulated to all members in the September/October edition. The Officers and members of Council will be voting using the Proxy Forms. In the event that the meeting can be held at the premises of the Royal, the Proxy Votes will be counted in deciding the outcome of a proposed resolution but no member will be able to vote more than once on any resolution, both personally and by proxy.

Copies of the proxy form and the resolutions are attached, together with the Financial Report for 2019, and the reports from officers and consultants.
2020 AGM Officers Reports.pdf
(274.67 KiB) Downloaded 957 times
Proxy Form 2020.1.pdf
(79.32 KiB) Downloaded 916 times
Final GBPS Report and Accounts 2019.pdf
(53.97 KiB) Downloaded 904 times
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