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A95 Cunard Mailboat Cancellation

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 12:50 pm
by Unclepyro
Just found this C10 plate 47 with the Barred Numeral A95 Cunard Mailboat Cancellation.
The A is faint but just visible.
I can't seem to find any sales of this postmark online though.

Re: A95 Cunard Mailboat Cancellation

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 10:45 am
by Winston W
I can't see a question in your posting. If you are wanting to buy a (better?) example, the Wants forum would be the place to ask.

I did do a channel split of your stamp, as postmarks can be misread. To my eye it does indeed look like an A95 (SG Z157) as illustrated in Penny Stars Used Abroad.

I imagine forgeries are known, but am not an expert to spot one.
C10 AH Plate 47 A95 rR 36
C10 AH Plate 47 A95 rR 36

Re: A95 Cunard Mailboat Cancellation

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 6:00 pm
by Unclepyro
Cheers Winston,
I never thought it could be a forgery.. Does this cancellation have a high enough CV to justify faking it? any idea?
Maybe that's why I can't find any historic sales of it.
All the best.

Re: A95 Cunard Mailboat Cancellation

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 6:49 pm
by Winston W

You may be surprised that a forger does not necessarily need a high catalogue value to do his work, although that certainly is a big encouragement and of course there are known forgeries of the high catalogue value used abroad numerals.

Pure conjecture on my part, but could a forger have produced some lower catalogue used abroad numerals like A95 as a precursor to making higher catalogued forgeries like A65?

Mike Batty is likely to have the requisite knowledge on these used abroad numerals.