
Links to archives of back issues of journals produced by philatelic societies that can be downloaded (used with permission, page counts and approximate file sizes are given), and which provide information of use to GB collectors. Most files are redistributable on a non-commercial basis (those downloadable by GBPS members only are marked – although the listings and indexes are generally freely available).

This section is for downloads of historical and philatelic works – many additional documents are available for download in the Sources section, which contains the texts of primary source material.

Suggestions for additional downloads are very welcome – please email with the details.

Society Journals

GBCC Chronicle The journal of the (US) Great Britain Collectors Club from 1979 to 2019. Link
Cross Post The journal of the Friends of the National Postal Museum from 1985 to 2017. Link
LPHG Notebook The journal of the London Postal History Group from 1971 to 2009. Link

Other Society Collections

LPHG Publications Books and original papers produced by the London Postal History Group. Link