Introducing the GBPS ...

The GBPS was founded in 1955 by a small but enthusiastic group of collectors in order to promote, encourage, and contribute to the advancement of the philately of Great Britain. Since then it has grown steadily, and now has more than 900 members in the UK and abroad. The Society deals with all aspects of GB philately, and has contributed much to the field; this is certain to continue as new members with fresh ideas join.

Please note: the Society itself does not purchase or sell stamps, covers etc, nor do we provide valuations - for this you may care to consult our dealer members.


Urgent notices, major website alterations, and GBPS changes will be announced below. The regular incremental changes to the website are now listed on the updates page.

New GBPS President 2024

Andy Donaldson took over at the AGM as the new GBPS President from the outgoing President, Peter Lister.

Many thanks to Peter for his two years in the job!

(20 Jul 2024)

New Programme Secretary 2024

Trevor Shimell has taken on the important job of organising the programme of GBPS meetings and obtaining speakers for them.

For the current programme see here.

(20 Jul 2024)

New Social Media Manager 2023

Kathryn Kibby is our new Social Media Manager.

She takes over from Alasdair McIntosh, and will be looking after our Facebook, X/Twitter, and Instagram feeds. So why not subscribe?

(7 Sep 2023)

New GBPS Secretary 2023

Chris Hibbert is the new Secretary for the GBPS.

He takes over from Phil Waud who has done the job since 2016 – many thanks to both these gentlemen!

(28 Jun 2023)

AGM 2023 Agenda and Accounts

The agenda for the AGM on 17th June, together with the accounts for 2022, can now be downloaded in PDF format here.

(10 May 2023)

New "Plate Repairs" Tool

A new tool for identifying plate repairs on the line engraved stamps is now available for members.

See the article by Tony Wells in Newsletter 398, pp29-30.

(25 Nov 2022)

New Postal History Consultant 2022

Maurice Buxton is the new GBPS consultant for Postal History.

Many thanks also to our retiring consultant Michael Lockton, who carried out this role from the introduction of consultants in 1980!

(2 Jul 2022)

New Membership Secretary 2022

Linda Hill is the new Membership Secretary for the GBPS.

Many thanks to Linda for agreeing to take over, and to Victoria Lajer for her great work over the last five years!

(1 Jul 2022)