
Links to archives of back issues of commercial publications that can be downloaded (publications, used with permission, page counts and approximate file sizes are given), and which provide information of use to GB collectors. Most files are redistributable on a non-commercial basis (those downloadable by GBPS members only are marked , although the listings and indexes are generally freely available).

Suggestions for additional magazine downloads are very welcome – please email with the details.

British Philatelist Published by Chas. Nissen & Co. from 1908 to 1954 in 44 volumes, this covered a very wide range of different aspects of British philately. Link
Philatelic Review Published by Candlish McCleery Ltd. from 1977 to 1982 in 21 issues, this covered British philately with an emphasis on the reign of King George V. Link
Philatelic Bulletin
An official monthly publication of the Royal Mail aimed at stamp collectors, supplying detailed information about forthcoming British stamp issues, together with a range of articles about earlier issues from philatelists. Link