Lancelot Plumer and William Barret appointed Letter Receivers for the port of London

December 21-24, 1696
Raguin Code: NEWS *9604

This is to give notice, that Lancellot Plumer and William Barret, are appointed by the Post-master General of England to receive all such Letters and Pacquets from Masters of Ships and Vessels, Mariners, and Passengers, as shall be by them hereafter brought in any Ships or Vessels into the Port of London, to the end the same may be delivered with speed and safety according to their respective Directions, and the Laws of this Kingdom; and that all Masters of Ships or Vessels, and all Mariners and Passengers, may the better take notice thereof, the Right Honourable the Lords of the Admiralty have Directed, that the Boat employed in this Service do carry Colours, in which there is to be represented a Man on Horseback blowing a Post Horn.