Charles Povey, founder of the Half-penny Carriage, condemned

November 29-December 1, 1709
Raguin Code: NEWS –0903

Whereas Charles Povey, and divers Traders and Shop-keepers in and about the Cities of London and Westminster, Borough of Southwark, and Parts adjacent, and several Persons ringing Bells about the Streets of the said Cities and Borough, have set up, imploy'd, and for some time continued a Foot-Post, for Collecting and Delivering Letters within the said Cities and Borough, and Parts adjacent, for Hire under the Name of the Half-penny Carriage, contrary to the known Laws of this Kingdom, and to the great Prejudice of her Majesty's Revenues arising by Posts; her Majesty's Postmaster-General has therefore directed Informations in her Majesty's Court of Exchequer to be exhibited against the said Charles Povey, and several Shop-keepers and Ringers of Bells, for Recovery against every of them £100 for such their setting up, and for every Week's continuance thereof; and also £5 for every Offence in Collecting and Delivering of Letters for Hire as aforesaid, contrary to the Statute for erecting and establishing a Post Office.