Mail robbery. West mail robbed between Haselborough and East Chinnock

General Post-Office, London, May 2, 1739
Raguin Code: NEWS –3903

Since the Publishing of the Advertisement of the 30th of April, the Post-Master General having received a further Information and Description of the Person who committed the Robbery therein mentioned, it is thought necessary to acquaint the Publick with the same.

Whereas the Post-Boy bringing the West Mail to London, was, on Saturday the 28th of April, about Half an Hour past Eleven o'Clock at Night, in the Road between Haselborough and East-Chinnock near Broadbridge, stopt by a Man, who asked him, if he was the Post, clapp'd a Pistol to his Head, led the Boy and Horse into a little Lane that leads to Middle Chinnock, and then dismounted him, and tied his Hands behind him and Legs together, mounted the Horse, and carried off the Mail with the following Bags, viz.

Plymouth, Exeter, Lanceston, Dartmouth, Bodmin, Ashburton, Totness, Camelford, Okehampton, St. Collomb's, Truro, Crewkherne, Lyme, Axminster, Wellington, Minehead, Taunton, Ilminster, Bridport, Chard, Tiverton, Honiton and Barnstable.

The Post Master General thinks proper to make it publickly known, That whoever shall apprehend the Person who committed this Robbery, will, upon Conviction, be entitled to a Reward of Two hundred Pounds, besides the Reward by Act of Parliament for apprehending of Highwaymen; or if any Accomplice in the said Robbery shall make a Discovery of the Person who committed the Fact, such Accomplice will be intitled to the said Reward of Two hundred Pounds, and also have his Majesty's most gracious Pardon.

The Person who robbed and rode away with the Mail was a little well set Man, had on a dark Grey close-bodied Coat, a White Waistcoat, a White Wig, a cocked-up Hat, and a White Pair of Gloves. The Horse that carried the Mail is a Brown Punch Nagg, about Fourteen Hands and a Half high, strong built, with a White Star in his Forehead; His Main cut like a Carrier's Horse, with a short Tail.

N. B. The Yeovil Bag is come to Hand.

J. D. BARBUTT, Secretary.