Mail robbery. Worcester mail robbed between Audley-street End and Tyburn Turnpike

General Post Office, March 14, 1740
Raguin Code: NEWS –4001

Whereas the Post-Boy, who was carrying the Worcester Mail from London to Southall, was set upon this Morning about Four of the Clock, between Audley-street End and Tyburn Turnpike, by Two Footpads, one of which was a lusty Man, in a white Cape Coat, who presented a Pistol to the said Boy, and demanding the Oxford Bag, led him into a Field against Audley-street End, opened the Mail, and took thereout the Worcester and Oxford Bags; the Worcester Bag containing the Ludlow, Tedbury, and Bromyard Letters; the Oxford Bag containing the Burford, Whitney, and Woodstock Letters.

The Postmaster General thinks proper to advertise the Publick, that whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted, both or either of the Persons who committed the said Robbery, will be intituled to a Reward of £200 besides the Reward given by Act of Parliament for apprehending of Highwaymen. Or if any Person, whether Accomplice in the said Robbery, or knowing thereof, shall make Discovery whereby the Persons, or either of them who committed the same, may be apprehended and brought to Justice, such Discoverer will, upon Conviction of the Party or Parties, be intituled to the same Reward, and also have his Majesty's most gracious Pardon.

J. D. BARBUTT, Secretary.