Person going to or coming from Holland have to have a passport

General Post-Office, August 20, 1759
Raguin Code: NEWS –5903

Publick Notice is hereby given, That, for the Time to come, no Person whatsoever will be permitted to pass from England, in any of the King's Packet Boats, stationed at Harwich or Dover, without first obtaining a Passport from one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State.

All Persons, intending to return to England in the said Packet Boats, are in like Manner to produce a Passport from His Majesty's Minister at the Hague, or from His Majesty's Consul or Vice-Consul at Flushing, before they can be received on Board.

GEO. SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

(Note of the editor: this Notice was re-issued in April, 1760 with the signature of Henry Potts, the new Secretary to the

Post Office)