Mail robbery. Post boy robbed of the North mail between Stamford and Coltersworth

General Post Office, March 21, 1769
Raguin Code: NEWS –6901

The Post-Boy, carrying the North Mail of Saturday last from this Office, was, on Sunday Night about Ten o'Clock, attacked and robbed between Stamford and Coltersworth, by a single Highwayman, who opened the said Mail, and took out one large Bag ticketed Boroughbridge, containing the following Bags of Letters, viz. Boroughbridge, Bedal, Richmond, Gretabridge, Barnardcastle, Brough, Penrith, Carlisle, Cockermouth, Whitehaven, Dumfries, and Donaghadee.

The Person who committed this Robbery is described to be rather lusty, about five Feet six Inches high, had on a Blue Surtout or Great Coat, and rode on a Brown Horse or Mare, with a Running Martingal.

Whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted, the Person who committed this Robbery, will be intitled to a Reward of Two Hundred Pounds, over and above the Reward by Act of Parliament for apprehending of Highwaymen; or if any Person or Persons, whether an Accomplice in the said Robbery, or knowing thereof, shall make Discovery, whereby the Person, who committed the same may be apprehended and brought to Justice, such Discoverer or Discoverers will, upon Conviction of the Person who committed the Robbery, be intitled to the said Reward of Two Hundred Pounds, and will also receive His Majesty's most gracious Pardon.

ANTH. TODD, Secretary.