Mail robbery. Mail bag stolen at Dunstable by Sergeant Taylor

General Post-Office, December 25, 1779
Raguin Code: NEWS –7907

THE Bag of Letters from Leicester, of Monday the 13th Instant, which should have arrived here last Tuesday, not having come to Hand, and there being strong Reason to suspect that the said Bag was stolen at Dunstable on the Night of the 13th Instant, by a Person named Serjeant Taylor, a private Soldier in the Royal Irish Regiment quartered at Dunstable, who deserted on Friday the 17th Instant.

The said Serjeant Taylor is described to be Twenty Years of Age, Five Feet Ten Inches high, wear his own Hair of a brown Colour clubbed, of a fair Complexion, grey Eyes, strait, well made and handsome, except that one Leg is rather thicker than the other, was born at Kidderminster, is by Trade a Weaver, was enlisted by Lieutenant Ellis, of the Royal Irish, at Worcester, the 1st of January, 1777, and is supposed to be now dressed in a dark drab Coat, with cross Pockets, enamelled Buttons, a new-fashioned clouded Waistcoat of an orange Ground with black intermixed, and Death-head Buttons, a blue Surtout of Bath Coating with a crimson Collar, Buckskin Breeches, and a round Hat with two narrow Bands and two Steel Buckles.

Whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprended and convicted, the said Serjeant Taylor, will be intitled to a Reward of FIFTY POUNDS.