Mail robbery. John Marr, a Sorter, stole a bank bill from a letter

General Post-Office, May 9, 1788
Raguin Code: NEWS –8804

JOHN MARR, one of the Sorters of Letters in the Inland Department of this Office, is strongly suspected of taking a Bank-Bill out of a Letter.

He is about Twenty-three Years of Age, Five Feet Six Inches high, well-made, roundish Face, small flat Nose, and thick Lips; small light Eyes sunk in his Head, pale and sickly Complexion, and frequently appears gloomy in his Disposition; has brown Hair, sometimes tied behind; was seen at Noon Yesterday at the Orange Coffeehouse, dressed in a dark Blue Coat with plain Yellow Buttons, Kerseymere Waistcoat with dark Blue or Brown Stripes, dark striped Corderoy Breeches, Boots, and a round Hat.

He is well known at Field's Burton Alehouse, Henrietta-street; at Jupp's, Duke's Court, Bow-street; the Crown, Cock Court, Ludgate-hill; Middleditch's (the Boxing Club) in the Poultry, and at most Houses about Covent-Garden.

Whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted, the said John Marr, will be entitled to a Reward of FIFTY POUNDS.

ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.