Mail robbery. William Lewin robbed the mail between Warrington and Northwich

General Post-Office, May 26, 1788
Raguin Code: NEWS –8805

WILLIAM LEWIN, of Chesterfield, in the County of Derby, Weaver, standing charged with forging Indorsements upon several Bills of Exchange which were taken out of the Mail that was robbed between Warrington and Northwich the 11th of March last, and with uttering the same Bills at Leeds and Hull under the Name of William Brown: Whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted, the said William Lewin, will be intitled to a Reward of FIFTY POUNDS.

The said William Lewin is about Thirty Years of Age, Five Feet Eight Inches high, ruddy Complexion, black Eyes and black Hair, which he wears short, curled, very thick Legs and Thighs, close knee'd; is at present lame of his Left Thigh, from a Blow which he lately received; was seen on Monday last, the 19th Instant, at Burton upon Trent, the next Day at Lichfield, and on that Evening within Three Miles of Birmingham, whither he appeared to be going; was then on Foot, and was dressed in a light drab-coloured Coat, striped Waistcoat, round Hat, Leather Breeches, and white Thread Stockings, and had a white Apron tied round his Waist; he sometimes wears a dark brown Coat. He was at Leeds on the 22d of March, at Hull on the 18th, and at Tinsley near Sheffield on the 28th of April last.

ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.