Mail robbery. Mail robbed between Barnsley and Wakefield

General Post-Office, December 27, 1788
Raguin Code: NEWS –8806

THE Post-Boy carrying the Mail from Barnsley to Wakefield, on the 26th Instant, was attacked by Two Men on Foot, about Two o'Clock that Morning, upon Staincross Common, and robbed of the Bags of Letters from hence of the 24th, - for Wakefield, Bradford, Leeds, Halifax, and Huddersfie1d.

The Robbers are described to be tall Men; one dressed in a blue Jacket, and the other in a Waggoner's Frock.

Whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted, both or either of the Persons who committed this Robbery, will be entitled to a Reward of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS, over and above the Reward given by Act of Parliament for apprehending of Highwaymen; or if any Person, whether an Accomplice in the said Robbery or knowing thereof, shall make discovery whereby both or either of the said Persons who committed the same may be apprehended and brought to Justice, such Discoverer will, upon Conviction of both or either of the Parties, be entitled to the same Reward of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS, and will also receive His Majesty's most gracious Pardon.

ANTH. TODD, Secretary.