Mail robbery. A caution to lottery office keepers

0038 General Post Office, January 17, 1799
Raguin Code: –9901

The WORCESTER and BRISTOL Bags containing the Letters for Bristol and the West of England, having been lost on the 30th ulto between Worcester and Bristol and the under-mentioned Bills have been lost with it; one of which, Value £28 16s. drawn by Barings and Co. on F. and W. Goslings, has been since negociated at Messrs. Hornsby and Co's being remitted to them from Bristol for the Purchase of Shares of a Lottery Ticket, by a Person assuming the Name of Samuel Tayler. All Proprietors of Lottery Offices are hereby cautioned to detain and give Notice to this Office of any Person of suspicious Appearance, who may attempt to negociate any other of the Bills; or if any Person of known Integrity should present any of the Bills, it is desired that he may be requested to apply immediately at this Office, and give such Information as he can towards the Detection of the Offenders.


Note of the Editor: a list of the bills follows indicating their sum, when due, on whom drawn, etc.