Officers' mail. Special rate when serving under the Duke of York in Holland

General Post-Office, September 18, 1799
Raguin Code: NEWS –9906

NOTICE is hereby given, that LETTERS addressed to Persons serving with the Army under the Command of Field-Marshal His Royal Highness the Duke of York, will be received at the Ship Letter Office twice instead of once in the week, viz. on Tuesday and Friday, from 10 in the morning until 10 o'clock at night, and not on Thursday, as mentioned in the Advertisement from the Office of the 10th inst.; and that such Letters will be regularly forwarded in Vessels from Yarmouth to the Helder Point, on the same days as the Mails are sent to Cuxhaven.

An Half Rate of Postage, under the Act of the 39th of his present Majesty, of 6d. each single Letter, ls. each double Letter, ls. 6d. treble, and so on in proportion, will be demanded upon all Letters addressed to Officers and Others; but those directed to Private Soldiers and Sailors will be forwarded for One Penny each single Letter, under the Act of the 35th of his present Majesty.

And that Newspapers will also be forwarded at a rate of 3d. upon each, provided such Paper is sent without cover, or in covers open at the sides.

Two Mails from the Army may be expected to arrive in each week.