Repairs of the Line-Engraved Issues of Great Britain

Plate 5 TA – state 2 in red

The repairs of the line-engraved issues of Great Britain remain a key and intriguing subject for research. In the past, Osborne and Stone have both produced important books, and many others have written useful analyses, but with recent advances in technology we now have an opportunity to produce an in-depth work with detailed scans, and to gather together the recent research.

This site is designed to enable us to easily add or remove images, add new states when new information becomes available, and add extra images when they show a different aspect of the repair to the main image. Notes are being added below main images to describe the principal state characteristics.

We would like to thank members of The Mulready Group for help with scans and advice on repairs, and Winston Hollins as the arbiter where consensus could not be achieved or insufficient images were available.

The scope of the project is only the plates with units in more than one state – i.e. the plate was repaired after it was put to press. A missing plate number in the sequence in the menu means that currently no repairs are known for that plate. Information is laid out in a similar manner to the GB Specialised Queen Victoria Volume 1 Part 1.

Section A, Penny Black plates, is now fully available.

Section B, imperforate Penny Red plates, is in progress and the latest state of the site is shown in italics below.

We would welcome for consideration scans of stamps for which we have no current image, as well as additional high resolution scans (1200 dpi if possible) where these show the characteristics of the state clearly, or can replace smaller resolution images on the site.

Current state of the site – Plates up to 98 complete


  1. Members of the Mulready Group
  2. Winston Hollins
  3. Prof. Charles Oppenheim (copyright advice)


  1. H. Osborne, British Line Engraved Stamps – Repaired Impressions, 1949
  2. J.W.M. Stone, Repairs of the 1841 One Penny Plates 1-40, revised Apr 2007
  3. Stamp Forums (Mulready Group)
  4. Stanley Gibbons, Queen Victoria Volume 1 Part 1 Specialised Catalogue 1st edition, Nov 2020

For more information email .

Kevin Maunder and Tony Wells

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