Postal Markings of Woodbridge and its Receiving Houses 1779-1855


Purpose and Scope: To show the development and progress of the postal markings of Woodbridge in Suffolk and its receiving houses during the dates specified.

Background: With Woodbridge being an important town from the Middle Ages onwards, this exhibit shows its importance using the postal system from late 18th century through to mid‑19th century. Using the British County Catalogue, Volumes 1 & 2, 2nd Edition, 1996 (Willcocks & Jay); and Suffolk Postal History and Postal Markings to 1844 (Thomas Slemons, FRPSL, 2017), I show the development, in chronological order of these markings.


Woodbridge is a port town in East Suffolk, situated on the River Deben, 8 miles inland from the North Sea. It is seven miles North East of Ipswich and 78 miles North East from London. It has been a centre of ship building (Edward III and Sir Francis Drake had ships built ttere), sail‑making and rope‑making. It was also a thriving market town with links to Europe.

The Postal Area for Woodbridge covered a large area and many villages. It had Receiving Houses established at Framlingham (1815) and Orford (1819), both of which had Penny Post handstamps. The former also has a boxed No1 handstamp from 1820. Woodbridge did not receive its own Penny Post handstamp until 1837 – why so late is a mystery. 1837 also saw Tunstall, Wickham Market, Earl Soham, Stradbrook and Worlingworth open Receiving Houses. In 1839 more Receiving Houses were opened in Sutton, Shottisham, Alderton and Hollesley. Most of these never had postmarks until after the period in question.


Frame 1

  1. Introduction
  2. Map
  3. Early markings of Woodbridge
  4. Two‑line markings of Woodbridge
  5. Different markings of Woodbridge and the 78 mileage mark
  6. Different markings of Woodbridge/78 mileage mark
  7. Mileage marks of Woodbridge
  8. Different markings of Woodbridge
  9. Straight‑line markings of Woodbridge
  10. Different markings of Woodbridge
  11. Different markings of Woodbridge
  12. A rare and unusual document
  13. Markings of Orford
  14. Penny Post markings of Framlingham
  15. Different date stamps of Woodbridge
  16. Circular Date Stamps and Undated Stamps of WOODBRIDGE AREA