Volume 2 (1978)

Volume 1Volume 3

Issue 1 (January 1978)

1 Editorial
by Mike Jackson
2 Elizabethan 'Castles'
by David Barker
3 Book Reviews
4 Extracts from the 1925 Waterlow Contract (1)
6 Postal HistoryUnusual Victorian Handstamps
by John Forbes-Nixon
8 Postal HistoryA Victorian Threat!
by Mike Jackson
9 George V Notes
15 GB Auction Prices

Issue 2 (April 1978)

17 Stampex 1978
19 Book Reviews
20 Extracts from the 1925 Waterlow Contract (2)
22 Postal HistoryThe Sunday Sun
by John Forbes-Nixon
23 Postal HistoryA Victorian Advertising Envelope
by John Forbes-Nixon
24 Elizabethan 'Castles' - Shade Classification
by David Barker
25 BookletsBooklet Perforation
26 BookletsAdvertisements in Booklets
28 George V Notes
31 GB Auction Prices
32 GB Auction Diary

Issue 3 (July 1978)

33 EditorialBooklets
by Mike Jackson
34 Extracts from the 1925 Waterlow Contract (3)
36 MachinsDecimal Machins
by David Barker
37 Book Reviews
38 BookletsReflections on Panes (1)
by Sam Lawrence
39 The Real Cost of Postage
by Harry Dagnall
44 Postal HistoryCloth Covered Handstamps
by John Forbes-Nixon
45 Yesterday's Opportunities!
47 GB Auction Prices
48 GB Auction Diary

Issue 4 (October 1978)

49 Editorial
by Mike Jackson
50 BookletsReflections on Panes (2)
by Sam Lawrence
51 Downey Head Perf. 14
by Michael Burrows
55 MachinsA Sticky Problem [Multi-value coil with silicone coating]
by David Barker
56 Postal HistoryUnpaid and Underpaid Mail
by John Forbes-Nixon
59 MachinsThe Development of Phosphor
by David Barker
61 George V Notes

Volume 1Volume 3