Authors: 'C'

Edward Caesley

27 articles
289 Provisional Labels
299 A Query
304 ABPS at Torquay 2006
305 (et al) This and That (1)
307 Society 2008 Competition
310 Retail Price Index 2005 [historical prices]
313 2009 Annual Society Competitions
314 Annual Competitions, 24 January 2009
314 Collect Stamps to Pay for the War
317 Annual Society Competitions
319 Annual Society Competitions
320 Annual Competitions 2010
324 (et al) London Calling [London 2010]
326 Annual Society Competitions Day
327 (et al) BPA Control of Stamps Imports and Exports in WWII
328 Importing Stamps Through the British Philatelic Association During World War II
329 Attention All Overseas Members
331 2012 Society Competitions
332 Society Competitions
333 Society Competitions 21 January 2012
338 Society Competitions Day
343 Surplus Postal Stationery Books
343 Society Annual Competitions
344 GBPS Competitions Day
360 Postage Rates from the USA
364 Help with Taxed Mail
391 Stanley Gibbons Colour Charts

George Cafetozoglou

1 article
332 Flying Down to Rio

John Calladine

20 articles
263 Is to Display to Compete?
269 Scottish Mileage Marks
271 (et al) Members and the Newsletter
271 Conservation Matters
278 (et al) In Brief
278 Philatelic Research Compromised?
285 Whilst We Are On The Subject ...
288 An Important New Post‑Road Map Discovery
295 GB New Issues: An Opinion
296 (et al) Maltese Crosses
297 (et al) National Exhibitions and Competitions
300 London 2010 (2)
301 The Farm Animal Issue
310 Gold Award For Midland Society Publication
317 BPMA Archives
342 New Book: The British County Catalogue of Postal History – Midlands
344 Midlands County Catalogue
352 Chippenham Penny Post
384 Moveable Date Slugs
406 Chippenham Penny Post

Gerald Calver

1 article
402 Making Contact

Jerry Carruthers

1 article
285 (et al) Black Plate 11

Doug Casey

2 articles
279 (et al) Harrison Provisional Printings 1934‑1935
281 British Empire Exhibition: A Query

Robin Cassell

7 articles
292 Investment Matters: 1
307 The Mulready Group
357 GBPS Competitions Day
359 Annual Competitions
362 GBPS Competitions Day
365 Annual Competitions
381 25 January – Competitions Day

Peter Chadwick

11 articles
278 1884 Jubilee
310 Flat Topped '3's
319 (et al) Exhibits Should Be For Everyone
337 Meeting Venues
349 Programme for 2014‑15
353 Disassembling Items
359 (et al) Rate of Handstamping
381 Society Displays: Regional Meeting – The North East GB Collectors Group
381 The 'Other' Duke of York
394 Request for Information on English 'Rexmarks'
406 3d Receiving House Marks of 1835

Stan Challis

1 article
377 Irish Crosses and Diamonds

Channel Islands Specialists Society

2 articles
388 Press Releases: New Book from the Channel Islands Specialists Society
408 Press Releases: Channel Islands Specialists Society Spring Auction No 23

Andrew Chappell

3 articles
282 And Now For Something Different
343 (et al) GBPS Lancaster Weekend
345 (et al) Ousted Editor

Geoff Chappell

1 article
263 (et al) Web Sites

Phil Cheetham

2 articles
309 The Post Magazine Without Decorative Border
337 Constant Blemish in Inland Office Maltese Cross

Tony Child

1 article
321 Watermark Query

Geoff Childs

1 article
342 New Web Site

Andrew Claridge

2 articles
269 Autumn Stampex
303 1837 Wyon City Medals

Gordon Clark

1 article
316 Stamps Re‑United

Rex Clark

4 articles
298 Postal History Fakes: A Short Report
304 AGM Weekend
306 The AGM Weekend in Gateshead
307 Postal History of Lindisfarne (Holy Island)

Rex Clarke

1 article
319 (et al) FGBPS

Tim Clarke

3 articles
303 (et al) Letters to the President
322 New Penny Red Study Circle
384 My Penny Plates

Howard Clayton

2 articles
331 My Journey Back to Stamp Collecting
334 Regional Rarities

Stanley Cohen

10 articles
278 (et al) In Brief
278 A Unique Squared Circle Cancellation [Margate]
280 Squared Circles
285 A 12,000,000% Gain [Navigation squared circle]
286 Squared Circle Postmarks [Townsend Place Cheltenham]
292 The Children Are Not Interested
298 Transposition
298 A Very Tricky Squared Circle Postmark
308 Squared Circle Study Group
325 To All Collectors of GB County Postmarks [Squared Circles]

Colchester and District Philatelic Society

1 article
378 Press Releases: Stamp Fair and Request for New Members and Guest Speakers

Collectors Club of Chicago

2 articles
358 Press Releases: CCC Launches Collector‑Friendly Website
388 Press Releases: Digitised Handbooks

John Colton

1 article
366 (et al) Great Britain: Failed Free Handstamps of the Franking System (update)

Tony Conder

2 articles
285 (et al) The New Postal Heritage Trust
286 (et al) Postal Heritage Trust: Update

John Cook

2 articles
337 Electronic versus Traditional Mail
369 Total Eclipse of 1715

John Copeland

3 articles
386 Date‑Stamping of Inward Correspondence
388 (et al) Railex: Additional Notes
392 What is The Correct Date? [changes in rates etc 1930s/40s]

John Court

1 article
276 King George VI Essays

Dr John Courtis

1 article
390 Admiral Arthur Henry Limpus: A Postal History Reconstruction

David Cox

1 article
343 (et al) GBPS Lancaster Weekend

Brian Crookes

1 article
294 The Hot Cross Bun of 1986

Hugh Crossman

2 articles
303 (et al) The Christmas Card Tale Continues
321 Mark After 'E' of Revenue [KEVII 10d]


1 article
356 Book Review: King George V Printing Plates — Douglas Muir

Sheila Curbishley

1 article
304 Philately Gets You Nowhere

Tom Current

1 article
283 (et al) Letters from America

Vic Currie

2 articles
265 Shades of Opinion
278 Science on Stamps

Russell Taylor [boxed "C" cancel and crude "W" cancel]

1 article
286 Help Needed (1)