Authors: 'D'

Peter Dacey

1 article
306 A Wildings Query

Harry Dagnall

53 articles
264 Web Sites
264 Display or Competition
266 Jubilee Study Group and others
266 Personal Postmarks
267 T.M.B./G.P.O.?
267 (et al) Divisions in the GBPS
268 Whole Numbers and the Newsletter
269 (et al) T.M.B./G.P.O.: The Debate Continues
269 (et al) More on the Society Competitons
269 Self‑Adhesives
270 Time for a Change on Two Counts? [meter marks]
272 (et al) Newsletter Index
272 (et al) ½d Line‑Engraved of 1870 (SG 48/49)
272 Awards Given to the Society
274 Postal History & Stamps – ancient and modern
275 Bryan Donkin's Rose Engine
277 (et al) Cartoon Time
277 Time ... and Time Again [1752 calendar]
278 Coats of Arms
278 (et al) In Brief
280 Competitive Philately
280 Letter from Harry Dagnall
281 Local History Week
282 The Harry Dagnall Occasional Column
284 The Weathervane Explained
288 (et al) Stamps, Cats (Fat) and Pigeons
291 Letter from Middlesex
292 (et al) Exported on Drawback
293 (et al) Society Competitions
293 Letter from Middlesex
294 (et al) Found in W.C. In Bad Order
294 (et al) Cloth‑Covered Cancels
294 The Line‑Engraved Halfpenny
295 Two Papermakers
295 (et al) Cloth‑Covered Cancels
296 (et al) Reply Coupons
296 Wembley 1924 and Watermarked Paper
298 Mine's Bigger Than Yours
298 (et al) QV Jubilee Study Circle
299 'Woodfree' Paper
299 (et al) London 2010
299 Another Philatelic Papermaker
301 A Note from Harry Dagnall
303 Library
305 Research
313 Bargain Book
314 A Scarce Stamp
316 (et al) Father Christmas Flaw
316 Competitive Displays
319 Our President's Display
320 'Man With Hand In Pocket'
322 The Post Office Did Not Like It!
322 Chicory in Ireland

Robert Danzig

1 article
285 (et al) Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight

Don Davies

17 articles
300 GBJ/Newsletter Offer
303 Web Sites
323 Society Displays: Interrupted Mail — John Lea
330 Society Displays: The Post Office Went to War — Christine Earle
336 Society Displays: Postage Dues — Gerald Marriner
337 Society Displays: Secured Delivery of Mail 1450‑1862 — Alan Holyoake
341 Society Displays: A Jubilee Reminiscence — John Davies
345 Society Displays: Additional ½d Mail Tax — Peter Denly
345 Society Displays: 1924‑25 Wembley Mail — Peter Denly
353 Society Displays: Sheffield Postal History — Frank Walton
354 Society Displays: Undeliverable Mail from 1764 to the Present Day — Bob Galland
357 Society Displays: Supermarket Philately — Jean Alexander
360 Society Displays: Ireland – The British Connection — John Sussex
361 Society Displays: The Castle Issues of Great Britain 1952‑1999 — Peter Shaw
363 Society Displays: GB Stamps and Postal History from the Late 17th Century to 1900 — Ken Burr
363 Harley Postage Stamps
369 Society Displays: Exploring the Postal Use of the Penny Black — Nigel Sudborough

John Davies

39 articles
300 Advertising Inserts
341 Midpex 2013
346 The Jubilee Envelope and the Alliance Insurance Company
351 Society Displays: The British Empire Exhibition 90th Anniversary and Wembley to 2014 — Don Knight
360 Society Displays: First Flights — John Roe
366 (et al) Society Displays: Members' Displays, 2017 Worpex Regional Meeting
366 1890 Penny Postage Jubilee New Find
367 Society Displays: Early 20th Century Postal History — Michael Lockton
369 Ray Simpson at the Philatelic Congress
370 Society Displays: Northamptonshire Postal History and Southwold & Woodbridge Postal History — Paul Bradshaw and Judith Bradshaw
372 A Jubilee Reminiscence
372 Society Displays: British & Irish Railway Company Perfins — Bill Pipe
372 Society Displays: The Life and Times of the King George V Seahorses — Mike Kentzer
372 Society Displays: Members' Displays, 2018 Worpex Regional Meeting
373 Society Displays: A Series of Unexpected Displays (Part 1) — Janet Bygate, Ian Harvey
375 Society Displays: GB Group Meeting in the North East
377 (et al) Situations Vacant
377 Society Displays: GB High Values Used on Cover 1845‑1971 — Edward Klempka
377 Society Displays: Regional Meeting – The North East GB Collectors Group
379 Society Displays: The Future of Philately in Great Britain — John Davies
379 Society Displays: The Work of Perkins Bacon – Great Britain and the British Colonies — Chris Harman
379 Society Displays: Members' Displays, 2019 Joint Meeting with the Postal Stationery Society (SWINPEX)
381 Society Displays: RAF Airmail and Railway Strike Airmail — Max Melrose
381 Society Displays: GB from Late 16th Century to 1900 — Ken Burr
384 Philately During the Crisis
384 The Pneumatic Tube Post
386 Society Displays: A Quick Glimpse of the GB Queen Victoria Jubilee Issues [Zoom] — Phil Waud
386 Society Displays: The RPSL Expert Committee [Zoom] — Chris Harman
387 The GB Collectors' Conference
392 Society Displays: The Philatelic Congress of Great Britain — Steven Harrison
394 Society Displays: Oddities in GB Postal History Before 1840 — Peter Chadwick
395 Banbury to Host Festival of Stamps
397 GBPS Meeting at Swinpex
399 Stamp Active at Stampex 2022
401 Philatelic Congress of Great Britain 9‑11 June 2023
404 Society Displays: London Coffee Houses — Ian Marshall
405 Calling All Society Speakers
405 Kids Roar at Stampex International 2023
407 Society Displays: Joint Meeting with the Cinderella Stamp Club 2024

Austin Davis

16 articles
268 Reflections on the Society's Competitions
275 Cover Corner 2 [brass rings]
275 (et al) Letters
277 Brass Rings
284 A Thank You
290 The Importance of Auction Catalogue References
292 Last Post: Charles Reid
304 (et al) The 1d Stars Colour Guide
314 Flat‑Topped '3's
319 (et al) Flat‑Topped '3's
324 Last Post: Gilbert Wheat
324 Serpentine‑Topped Numerals
332 Penny Red Shades
347 Philatelic Library on Offer
360 Clevedon Post Office
378 Post Office Express Delivery [photograph]

Peter Dawson

1 article
303 (et al) King George VI Study Group Airmails?

Garth Denman

5 articles
326 Oswald Marsh First Day Covers Royal Cypher and 2s 6d Brown – 1912‑1913
328 Mysterious Date of Issue [KGVI 10s Dark Blue]
329 Premature Release of KGV Stamps – Vallancey Covers
330 Earliest Known Use
332 KEVIII Pre‑Releases – Are There Any?

Roger Dixon

2 articles
283 (et al) Late Use of Maltese Cross
298 A Perennial Problem

Andy Donaldson

27 articles
303 Cancellations
310 King George V with 'Watteses' Underprint
346 Joint Meeting with the Cinderella Stamp Club Saturday, 29 March 2014
347 Strange Wavy Line Underprint
348 Society Displays: Joint Meeting with the Cinderella Stamp Club 2014 (PM)
351 Changes to the Programme Card
353 Regional Meeting at Midpex – Saturday 4 July 2015
353 Displays by GBPS Members
353 GBPS Diamond Jubilee Display to the RPSL
354 Society Displays: 1839‑1860 1d Reds with a Sprinkling of Rarities — Bill Barrell
356 'Channel Islands Day' Meeting – Saturday 21 November 2015
356 Society Displays: GBPS Diamond Jubilee Display to the RPSL Thursday 10 December 2015
360 O.U.S. Official Underprints
365 Society Displays: Leeds Postal History — Richard Wheatley
366 Error in Worpex 2017 Regional Meeting Notice
367 Programme Card Changes
371 Worpex Regional Meeting
376 Advance Notice – 22 June 2019 AGM Meeting at the Dorchester Hotel
377 Swinpex Regional Meeting – Saturday 8 June
378 King Edward VII and VIII Day
379 2019‑2020 Programme Card Corrections
382 Advance Notice – London 2020 6 May Meeting with Overseas Members' Displays
390 Stanley Gibbons Summer Gathering
390 Joint Meeting with the New York Collectors Club
392 Advance Notice – London 2022 Overseas Members' Displays
396 Advance Notice – 1 December 2022 GBPS Display to the RPSL
407 Updating The Temporary Handstamps of Yorkshire

Ray Downing

3 articles
308 (et al) 14p Machin Flaw
309 14p Machin Flaw
359 The Halfpenny Machin [coil strip with FBO on cover]

Alan Druce

1 article
299 That Tricky Squared Circle Postmark

Bruce Duncan

1 article
305 George VI Study Group

David Duncan

1 article
302 KGVI Study Group

Steve Dunderdale

3 articles
290 The Recorded Delivery Service
290 Ex: Whitby? {Machin £1 cancellation]
291 Exported on Drawback

Charles Dupplin

1 article
292 Provisional Labels on Registered Envelopes