Harry Dagnall Award for Contributions 1992-date

This is awarded to acknowledge a significant contribution to the Society, generally over a period of years.

The recipient of the award is decided at the sole discretion of the current President to someone they consider deserves recognition.

The award (a boxed magnifying glass) was kindly presented to the Society by Harry Dagnall and was awarded for the first time in 1992.


Year Winner Reason (where recorded)
1992 Roger White Many years the Society Auctioneer
1993 Mike Jackson Editor of The GB Journal
1994 Robert Folkard Many years of Society work
1995 Peter Sargent Not recorded
1996 Leslie Wilkinson Not recorded
1997 Michael Sefi Not recorded
1998 Not in Newsletter
1999 Peter Tanner Society Auctioneer
2000 Bill Bird President in difficult times, Chairman of Council, Programme Secretary
2001 Harry Dagnall Many years of work and support for the GBPS
2002 Mike Jackson 20 years as editor of The GB Journal
2003 Tony Walker Continuing excellent contribution to the GBPS Newsletter
2004 Allan Jones Services to the Society
2005 Ian Harvey Co-ordinating printing and distribution of GBPS publications, in addition to work as Treasurer
2006 Vincent West Programme Secretary
2007 Tony Walker GBPS Newsletter editor since 2000
2008 Tony Wiseman Eight year stint as the Society's KEVII Consultant
2009 Ian Harvey Tireless work for the Society, especially tasks not necessarily part of the Treasurer's job
2010 Roger Bailey Programme Secretary, and tasks not part of the job, particularly organising 2010 Society Dinner
2011 Leslie Wilkinson Continued contribution to smooth running of Society for 35+ years since President in 1986
2012 Peter Tanner Continuous service on Council since 1995 encompassing three jobs
2013 Edward Caesley Organising Annual Competitions for a number of years, ensuring all runs smoothly on the day
2014 Maurice Buxton Time and effort put into continually updating and improving the Society website
2015 Howard Hughes Time and effort put into organising the Society's Diamond Jubilee Festival at Spring Stampex 2015
2016 Don Davies Eleven years as Society Secretary
2017 Janet Bygate Publicity Manager and time and effort put into organisation of the York weekend meetings
2018 Michael Lockton Services to Society over many years including Postal History Consultant, Displays, President
2019 Andy Donaldson Five years organising meetings as Programme Secretary
2020 Maurice Buxton Services managing the website over the past twelve years
2021 Paul Ramsay GBPS Newsletter editor 2014-20 and much help and assistance to GBPS
2022 Phil Waud Significant contribution as Hon. Secretary since 2016
2023 Mike Jackson Astonishing contribution as editor of The GB Journal for over 40 years
2024 Chris Harman Many contributions over decades as an officer, presenter and supporter