2006 (Newsletters 297-302)

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NL 297, January/February 2006 (24pp)

1 Editorial — Tony Walker
1 Forthcoming Meetings
2 The President Writes — Michael Lockton
2 New Members
2 Grosvenor – The Ken Statham Collection
by David Lewthwaite [S]
3 Washington 2006: 27 May – 3 June 2006
by Brian Sole [M]
3 Dealers' Directory
4 Society Displays: The Wilding Period, 1952 to 1967
Display by Chris Harman, Ian Harvey, Phil Kenton
6 Society Displays: Charles Whiting: 1839 Treasury Competition Winner
Display by Michael Salmon
7 The ABPS Ltd: Torquay 2006
by Allan Jones [S]
8 Updating the SG Specialised Catalogue, Vol1, QV
by Tom Slemons, Bill Bird [L]
8 Book Request
by Peter Rodriguez [S]
8 Christmas Presents [S]
9 Update on Bury St Edmunds Meeting
by John Pearce [S]
10 Subscriptions: Three Requests
by Ian Harvey [M]
10 Westpex 2006 in San Francisco: 28‑30 April 2006
by Tim Burgess [S]
10 Additional Meeting: 15 July 2006
by Vincent West [S]
11 Odd Cancellations
by John Levett [S]
11 A Friend at Last?
by Ted Adnams [S]
11 From Our Special Correspondent [M]
12 50th Anniversary Reception and Dinner [L]
15 Leamington Spa Maltese Cross
by Toby Mottram [M]
16 This and That
by Geoffrey Eves, Hugh Palmer [M]
16 Competitions Reminder [S]
16 Transposition
by John Keegan [S]
17 National Exhibitions and Competitions
by John Calladine, Tony Walker, BPT, ABPS [L]
17 E‑mail Problems [S]
18 Provenance Certificates
by Karl Louis [S]
19 Perfin on QV 1s Green Specimen, SG 72
by John Keegan [S]
20 Society Auction
by Andy Wilde [M]
21 Anniversary Celebrations [S]
21 Sending Out The Wrong Message
by Allan Jones [S]
22 Pages from a Competition Winner: The introduction of Registered Mail — Alan Holyoake
24 A New GB Society
by Gerry Fisk [M]
24 QV Jubilee Study Group
by Andy Wilde, John Pearce [S]

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NL 298, March/April 2006 (24pp)

1 Editorial — Tony Walker
1 Forthcoming Meetings
2 The President Writes — Michael Lockton
2 New Members
2 Reply Coupons
by George King [S]
2 Programme Dates to Note
by Vincent West [S]
2 Bury St Edmunds Meeting: 8 April 2006 [S]
3 Computerised Philately [M]
3 Dealers' Directory
4 Society Displays: Joint Meeting with the GB Overprints Society 2006
8 Correction [S]
8 Postal History Fakes: A Short Report
by Rex Clark [M]
9 London 2010: Press Release [M]
9 2010 UK International Exhibition [views from members] [L]
10 Mine's Bigger Than Yours
by Harry Dagnall [S]
11 Leamington Spa Maltese Cross
by Toby Mottram [S]
12 Your Newsletter Reaches Its 300th Edition in July [S]
13 Cavendish Auctions [S]
14 Book Request – Update
by Peter Rodriguez [M]
15 Stamp Certification
by Andy Booth [S]
16 Request for Volunteers
by Mike Raguin [M]
16 Transposition
by Stanley Cohen [S]
17 A Perennial Problem
by Roger Dixon [S]
17 Subscriptions: Final Reminder
by Leslie Wilkinson [S]
17 GB at Harmers [S]
17 Odd Cancellations
by George King [S]
18 The Young Ones
by Ken McBride [M]
18 1935 Silver Jubilee Three‑Halfpence
by Harvey Russell [S]
19 A Very Tricky Squared Circle Postmark
by Stanley Cohen [M]
19 The Society Auction – Your Auction
by Andy Wilde [S]
20 Pages from a Competition Winner: Line‑engraved issues 1840‑1879 — W.Kaltwasser
21 Pages from a Competition Winner: The Postal Reforms — Malcolm Suttill
22 2006 Competition Results
23 QV Jubilee Study Circle
by Peter Young, Harry Dagnall [M]
24 A Nostalgic Farewell [2d blue covers]
by Robert Johnson [M]

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NL 299, May/June 2006 (20pp)

1 Editorial — Tony Walker
1 New Members
1 Forthcoming Meetings
2 The President Writes — Michael Lockton
2 Post Office Punctuality
by John Forbes‑Nixon [M]
3 Rowland Hill Awards [S]
3 Auditor Wanted [S]
3 Membership Secretary [S]
3 Correction [S]
3 Dealers' Directory
4 Society Displays: Members' Displays, 2005 December Meeting
Report by Ian Harvey
8 SG Catalogues
by David Lewthwaite, Peter Rodriguez [L]
8 1d Lilac Cancellation
by John Burn [S]
9 Newsletter Mailings [S]
9 'Woodfree' Paper
by Harry Dagnall [S]
10 Perfin on QV 1s Green Specimen, SG 72
by Alastair Walter, Frank Allan [L]
11 That Tricky Squared Circle Postmark
by Alan Druce [S]
11 London 2010
by Roger Bailey, Harry Dagnall [M]
12 London 2010 – Festival of Stamps Press Launch
by Ian Harvey [L]
12 Book Corner [S]
13 The London Philatelist: Archival Edition [S]
14 Another Philatelic Papermaker
by Harry Dagnall [M]
15 Bindephily
by Bjorn Endamarche [M]
16 Society Displays: King George V Miscellany
Display by Leslie Wilkinson
19 2005 New Issues
19 Youth Philately at Stampex in February [S]
20 QV Jubilee Issue
by Tony Walker, Graham Homer‑Wooff [S]
20 A Query
by Edward Caesley [S]
20 A Complaint
by Michael Lockton [S]

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NL 300, July/August 2006 (28pp)

1 1 ... 50 ... 100 ... 150 ... 200 ... 250 ... [S]
1 An Edward VII Cover
by Max Melrose [S]
2 Editorial — Tony Walker
2 The President Writes — James Grimwood‑Taylor
3 Forthcoming Meetings
3 Dealers' Directory
4 Society Displays: The First Stamps and Postal Stationery
Display by Alan Holyoake
6 A Dose of Newsletter Nostalgia
by Tony Walker [L]
7 York Stamp Fair: 21‑22 July 2006 [S]
8 Strange but True
by Peter Rodriguez [M]
9 VR 1d Black
by Don Madden [S]
9 Society Displays: Members' Displays, 2006 Bury St Edmunds Meeting
12 Society Displays: From Official Mails to Private Posts
Display by John Holman
14 From Our Foreign Correspondents [L]
16 Thoughts on SG Catalogues and Illustrations
by Walter Kaltwasser [M]
16 Additional Society Meeting: Saturday 15 July 2006 [S]
16 SG Catalogues – A Different Perspective
by Ray Simpson [M]
17 GBPS Guildhall Exhibition London 1966
by Roger Bailey [S]
17 Society Auction
by Andy Wilde [S]
19 An Interesting Pre‑Decimal Machin Item
by Tony Walker [M]
19 An 1840 2d Item With A History
by Karl Louis [M]
20 Late News: Chicago 2009
by Tim Burgess [S]
20 The Old Swan, Liverpool
by Austin Barnes, James England, Ian Baker, John Pearce, Bob Phillifent [M]
21 GBPS Visit to the British Library: 3 May 2006
by Vincent West [M]
21 Book Corner
by Peter Rodriguez [S]
21 On the Ball (1)
by John Bohn [S]
21 On the Ball (2)
by Harvey Russell [S]
22 Bindephily
by Howard Hughes [M]
22 New Members
22 London 2010 (1)
by Brian Trotter [S]
23 London 2010 (2)
by John Calladine [S]
23 Advertising Inserts
by John Davies [S]
24 Grosvenor GB Results [S]
24 A Tale of Two Committees
by Peter Fowler [M]
25 A QV Cover
by Des Quail [S]
26 Society Auction and Exchange Packet
by Peter Nicholson‑Jones [S]
26 GBJ/Newsletter Offer
by Don Davies [S]
26 QV Jubilee Study Group: Update
by Ted Adnams [S]
26 'Westpex' San Francisco: 28‑30 April 2006
by Tony Walker [L]

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NL 301, September/October 2006 (24pp)

1 Editorial — Tony Walker
1 Forthcoming Meetings
2 The President Writes — James Grimwood‑Taylor
2 New Members
2 Subscriptions
by Leslie Wilkinson [S]
2 Leslie Wilkinson E‑Mail
by Leslie Wilkinson [S]
3 Nostalgia Revisited
by Austin Barnes [S]
3 Auction Note [S]
3 Dealers' Directory
4 Society Displays: Office of Works
Display by David Milsted
5 Society Displays: 20th Century Postal History
Display by Michael Lockton
7 The Farm Animal Issue
by John Calladine [S]
7 KEVII 1d Plate 58: Perf 14
by Peter Hawkes [S]
7 New Book: Post Offices of Great Britain by Burkhart Beer
8 Two Early Platers
by Philip Robinson [L]
9 WW1 Pigeon Post
by John Forbes‑Nixon [M]
10 AGM 51 Reports
14 Editor at Large in London
by Tony Walker [L]
16 Society Displays: Joint Meeting with the Cinderella Stamp Club 2006
17 London 2010: An Alternative Show? [M]
18 London 2010
by Anthony Smith, John Holman [M]
18 VR 1d Black
by Don Madden [S]
19 Washington 2006: UK Press Release [M]
19 Christmas 2006 and more
by David Glew [S]
20 1d Lilac PH Query
by John Tingey, Michael Lockton [M]
20 1d Red Alphabet II C3‑C6 etc. [shades]
by Peter Fowler [S]
21 Machin Mis‑perf
by Fred Taylor [S]
21 Stamp Active Network [S]
21 SG QV Specialised: Changes to C9 & C10
by Hugh Palmer [M]
22 From Our Foreign Correspondents
by Tony Finch [M]
22 The Post Office and the Colleges
by Vincent West [S]
22 Auditor (Still) Wanted [S]
23 In the Spotlight
by Trevor Harris [M]
23 The Old Swan
by John Pearce [S]
24 New Book: Collecting British Squared Circle Postmarks by Stanley Cohen
24 A Note from Harry Dagnall
by Harry Dagnall [S]
24 In Support of Colour in the Newsletter
by Max Melrose [S]
24 York Fair: July 2006 [S]

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NL 302, November/December 2006 (20pp)

1 Editorial — Tony Walker
1 New Members
1 Forthcoming Meetings
2 The President Writes — James Grimwood‑Taylor
2 London 2010 [S]
3 2010: The Alternative [S]
3 KGVI Study Group
by David Duncan [M]
3 GBPS AGM & Philatelic Weekend: 18‑20 May 2007 [S]
4 Society Displays: Aspects of King George VI
Display by Gavin Fryer
Report by Ian Harvey
6 From Our Foreign Correspondents
by Theo Brauers, Robin Restall [L]
6 QV Jubilee Discussion Group
by Ted Adnams [S]
7 Society Auditor (Still) Wanted: It May Be You? [S]
8 Society Competitions: 11 January 2007
by Allan Jones [S]
9 Dealers' Directory
10 A Christmas Card Tale
by Malcolm Suttill [M]
10 1837 Wyon City Medals
by Malcolm Suttill [S]
10 Member's Request
by Robin Restall [S]
11 VR 1d Black
by Don Madden [M]
11 The Society Auction
by Andy Wilde [S]
12 KGVI Coronation
by Robin Restall [M]
12 Expertisation
by Reg Barnett, Mike Rogers [L]
13 Update on the Packet
by Graham Macpherson [S]
14 GBPS Exhibition in 1966
by Eric Kenwright, Conrad Graham [M]
15 Cover Story [WW1 Naval Mail]
by Tony Walker [L]
16 Collecting British Squared Circle Postmarks
by John Hine [L]
17 Cancellations (1)
by Nick Rolfe [S]
17 Cancellations (2)
by David Nicholls [S]
17 Cancellations (3)
by Sam Lawrence [S]
18 Cancellations (4)
by Tony Walker [M]
19 2006 New Issues
20 Booknote ['Hinge Stamp']
by James Fenning [M]