
1d Die 1, Plate 74, curious perforations (Simpson) [L] 48(3)70

1d Plate 10, experimental (Jackson) [N] 48(4)89

1853 Government trial (Lajer) [N] 37(5)99, (Simpson) [M] 38(1)6, (Sargent) [M] 38(3)46

Archer‑perforated stamps, Plate 91, discovery (Simpson) [M] 48(1)4

— Plate 94, Gladstone to Disraeli cover (page numbered 48 in error) (Forbes‑Nixon) [M] 47(4)96

— Plate 108 on cover (Kibby) [M] 50(6)129

— Plate 111, new discovery (Simpson) [S] 48(4)81

— Wilkinson and Hill punch sets (Escott) [L] 52(4)77

— distribution and usage (Simpson) [L] 47(1)14, (Burgess) [M] 47(2)47, (Simpson) [M] 47(3)63

— distribution and usage, update (Simpson) [L] 60(1)1

— from Plate 95? (Williams) [L] 57(1)4

— number of recorded covers (Simpson) [L] 52(2)25

— on cover (Simpson) [M] 52(5)97

— statistical analysis (Chadwick) [S] 52(4)75

— unrecorded document (Simpson) [L] 55(6)134

Archer's first machine — interpreting the evidence (Simpson) [M] 59(2)25

Archer's rouletting machines, response (Escott) [M] 59(1)1

Archer, first roulette fingerprint (Escott) [M] 57(5)100

— post‑trial plates (Simpson) [L] 45(6)139, (Simpson) [C] 46(1)3, (Simpson) [M] 47(2)45

— rouletting machines (Simpson) [L] 58(6)139

Book review, Stamp Perforation: The Somerset House Years 1848 to 1880. Simpson & Sargent (Dagnall) [R] 45(4)88

Clipped sides, stamps with (Pusterla) [S] 43(3)55

Combination covers, imperf. and perf. (Simpson) [L] 46(6)123

Crisis in 1879 (Simpson) [L] 37(1)14

Double‑sheet perforation (480‑set) 1911/1912 (Jackson) [L] 61(4)86

Downey Head, emergency perforation of panes in books (Harvey) [L] 59(2)28

Extension holes missing, QV line‑engraved (Hollins) [M] 56(6)136

Gauge 13½ x 14 on KEVII ½d (Pusterla) [S] 49(6)142

Gauge 16, survey of C11 (Stockdale) [L] 55(6)121

— use of in 1857-58 (Escott) [L] 53(6)124

Grover & Co. Ltd, close of (Wilkinson) [M] 40(1)18

Joyson, William, label on perforated wrapper (Jackson) [M] 47(5)120

KGV 1½d (Jones) [S] 31(2)35

KGV Photogravure low values (Gowland) [L] 46(1)18, (Gowland) [L] 46(2)40, (Gowland) [L] 47(1)4

Line‑engraved perforation (Barrell) [N] 24(3)34

Line‑engraved, quadruple on Plate 225 (Taylor) [M] 39(1)16

Machine, 1875 continuous feed experiment (Simpson) [M] 55(2)25

Misaligned pin on 1980 Conductors 15p (Jackson) [M] 41(4)79

Missing pins, a notation for (Simpson) [M] 32(4)61

— on Penny Reds (Maushammer) [M] 31(2)31, (Madden) [S] 31(2)40, [C] 31(3)53

Napier machines, modifications to (Simpson) [M] 36(2)38, (Jackson) [C] 36(3)53, (Wiseman) [S] 36(3)54, (Simpson) [M] 36(3)55, (Wiseman) [S] 36(6)115, (Simpson) [M] 37(1)14

New perforator on Surface Printed issues (Wiseman) [N] 32(3)58

Official, first date of issue? (Sargent) [N] 36(4)80

Officially perforated stamps, intoduction of (Simpson) [L] 56(4)79

Perf. Type 3 with no extension hole, KGV Photo. 2d (Jackson) [S] 53(6)123

Perforation, 1880–1901, a fresh look (Simpson) [L] 57(1)9

Pierced margin on KGV Photogravure (Russell) [N] 34(1)6

Pinning marks, 1d Die 2, Plate 1 (Wylde) [M] 56(5)112

Pinning points, position of (Wiseman) [S] 36(6)116

Plate 170, Treasury Roulette on cover (Newroth) [L] 57(5)97

Plate 171, Treasury Roulette on cover (Newroth) [L] 57(5)97

Reel, stamps in books (Harvey) [L] 62(4)73

Roulette, on Wembley roll stamp (Griffin) [S] 29(2)27

— serpentine ('Treasury'), Plate 163, addition to Statham (Batty) [S] 48(1)23

— — Roulette, serpentine ('Treasury'), discrepancies in NPM collection (Madden) [M] 31(1)11

— — Roulette, serpentine ('Treasury'), fingerprints (Escott) [L] 54(6)130

Scissor‑cut Penny Stars (Jackson) [S] 58(2)39

Somerset House, dividing sheets (Simpson & Sargent) [L] 44(1)12

Type 2 perforator, on photogravure issues (Gowland) [M] 48(6)139

Wing margin, unusual (Louis) [M] 34(1)14

Wing margins (Escott) [M] 49(5)117